how we’ve helped others.

Case STUDY one: Commercial property finance.

Our client owned six commercial properties. They had principle and interest loans against the properties. 

Why was this an issue?

  1. They were paying too much (rates were high).
  2. The securities were cross collateralised preventing them from leveraging to grow their portfolio.
  3. The loan type and structure was inappropriate reducing their cash flow.

The solution:

We refinanced their properties.

  1. Each property became the security for its own loan. We freed up two properties that they used to leverage and buy another two properties into their portfolio (building their family wealth).
  2. The properties were investments. We changed the loan rate to interest only, freeing up cash flow for the family. Their objective was cash flow, not paying down the debt.
  3. The refinanced rates were lower than their previous loans saving them $70,000.00 p.a, which paid for the finance for the two new lead purchased properties.



Growing a business and income.

Our client had an opportunity to grow her business and was looking for a loan facility to support that growth.

What was the issue?

She could see no issue. She could afford a new loan facility and the bank would be happy to extend her a loan.

But there was a better way:

She had a loan facility for her factory unit that she operated her business from.

The term of the loan was 15 years.

The solution:

We refinanced the loan against the factory over a longer term to free her cashflow.

We also reduced the interest rate she was paying.

She used the freed up cash in her business instead of getting a business loan. 

In addition, we modelled that over the next 3 years she would make enough money to pay down the factory loan further than if she had her current factory loan and new business loan. 

Bottom line, she made more money using this strategy.


We believe our customers want and deserve more than what they currently get from brokers and banks. We know
that a loan isn’t actually about the money – that’s the transaction. It’s about what the money can do for you.
It’s about how it helps you get what you want in life. To us, this is more than a transaction.
These are the conversations we start with.

Case STUDY Three: Business acquisition.

Our client had a successful business he had built over eight years.

He had invested in land to build a new premise and owned two investment properties via his family trust.

An opportunity came his way to acquire a complimentary business for $800,000.00.

What was the issue?

There wasn’t enough equity in his properties to secure the loan and it was unclear exactly how the new acquisition would leave him substantially better off.

The solution:

We worked with him to build a model that streamlined the processes across both businesses, aligned his staff with the direction of the business (adding accountability that didn’t exist) and added two new technical staff that freed him up to be customer facing.

Modelling these changes allowed him to see where and when the new resources were required, revealed the key drivers for the business, allowed him and his key staff to recognise and work to milestones and clearly showed the profitability increase and cash flow month by month.

The planning increased confidence across the whole business and it allowed the bank to see a clear path forward that gave them confidence to offer finance secured only against the business.

In effect, he’s growing the asset value of his business and directly through increased profits, growing his family wealth.

Case STUDY Four:
setting up a medical practice

Our client is a Doctor who had been working in a medical practice for 10 years.

He wanted to set up his own clinic and needed to fund the set up without impacting his cash flow and savings.

The opportunity

We spoke with him about the possibility of purchasing the medial practice , so in years to come, he would own the premise as well as the business, increasing his net wealth.

The solution:

We funded 100% of the purchase price of the property and 100% of the fit out cost, leaving him with his savings as back up.He’s now operating his own clinic with the clinic paying off the premises he owns.

Case STUDY Five:
Doctor's case study

Our clients were looking to upgrade and buy a new house to live in. They wanted to use equity in their current properties to fund the deposit and costs for the new purchase. At some stage in the near future, they were looking to sell one of their investment properties.

What was the issue?

Their bank wanted to add the new property purchase as a security (cross collateralised) to the current loan. This would cause a problem when they wanted to sell one of their investment properties later on, potentially requiring additional funds to pay down the loan and complicating the sale process.

The solution:

We split all of the properties , so they were only securing their own loan. This gave our clients full control of their loans, loan amounts and choice to sell or not.

Case STUDY six:
Doctor's case study

Our client was buying a new car to upgrade her existing car. She’s very busy and her financials were not up to date. She had her previous car finance for 3 years.

The solution:

Without financials, we financed the new car at competitive rates within 48 hours.



We have access to hundreds of loans, which means we can help you get a market leading rate.

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It could be as simple as you need access to a loan to complete a transaction, or just a sounding board for an idea. It could be that you want to plan the growth of your business and see how debt and finance can help you get where you need to be. Whatever the case may be, it certainly doesn’t hurt to pick up the phone and have a conversation with us.